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7 construction site safety measures that you cannot ignore

7 construction site safety measures that you cannot ignore

When you’re out on the job site, it’s important that you and everyone else head home in one piece. Safety is the name of the game in the construction industry and you can’t afford to brush it aside. Keep reading for our 7 site safety tips for construction workers. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or getting your hands dirty for the first time, we have everything you need to know to stay as safe as houses on every construction site.

1. Don high-vis and a hard hat

One of the most important site safety measures is wearing the appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) - and this includes high-visibility vests and hard hats. High-visibility clothing ensures that you remain visible to your fellow workers and equipment operators, reducing the risk of accidents. Hard hats provide crucial head protection in case of falling objects, ensuring that your most valuable asset – your head – is well protected.

Jeremy Clarkson putting on a hard hat for site safety

2. Tidy your toolbelt and kit to keep the site hazard-free

A cluttered and disorganised workspace can quickly become a construction safety hazard. Ensure your tools and equipment are properly organised and stowed when not in use. A tidy toolbelt not only helps you operate efficiently but also reduces the risk of tripping over misplaced tools or materials. Regularly inspect your tools for damage and replace them as needed to prevent accidents caused by faulty or unsafe equipment.

3. Wear steel-capped boots

You obviously can’t wear thongs on the job site. Your feet are vulnerable to various construction site hazards, from heavy materials and equipment to sharp objects. Steel-capped boots offer essential foot protection. Sturdy boots can prevent crushing injuries and protect your toes from falling objects, making them a must for anyone working in construction and ensuring site safety.

4. Keep safe when using ladders

Ladders can be hazardous if not used correctly. Ensure they are in good condition and positioned on stable ground - move it if not! Always maintain three points of contact when climbing, and never overreach or stand on the top rungs. By following ladder safety guidelines, you and your fellow workers can significantly minimise the risk of falls and injuries.

5. Wear eye protection (especially when welding)

Protecting your eyes is crucial during a construction project, especially when engaging in tasks like welding or cutting metal. Welding produces intense ultraviolet and infrared rays that can cause severe eye damage if not shielded. Invest in high-quality safety goggles or welding helmets with the appropriate filters to protect your eyes from harmful radiation, sparks and debris.

6. Practise electrical safety

Electrical hazards are prevalent risks on job sites. Never work on electrical systems unless you are a qualified electrician. If you encounter damaged or exposed wires, report them immediately to the site supervisor, management or your employer. Use ground fault circuit interrupters (GFCIs) when working near water sources to prevent electrical shocks. Electrical safety is paramount to avoid potentially life-threatening events.

7. Keep up with on-site communication

Effective communication is the backbone of construction site safety. When possible, ensure that everyone on site is aware of safety protocols and procedures. Use clear and consistent signalling methods, such as hand signals or two-way radios, to communicate with colleagues and equipment operators. Regular health and safety meetings and training (especially during induction) can help keep everyone informed and aware of potential hazards or incidents.

Get your PPE delivered

Construction work is inherently risky, but with the right site safety measures, accidents can be prevented. Wear proper PPE, maintain a tidy workspace and adhere to safety guidelines for tools, equipment and electrical systems. Additional precautions such as wearing steel-capped boots, practising ladder safety, protecting your eyes and promoting on-site communication can also make a significant difference in keeping everyone safe. 

Ever found yourself on-site without essential PPE? Don’t forget that iDlvr can get what you need straight to the job site. Don’t risk your safety - it’s key to ensuring you and your colleagues can return home safely every day.

iDlvr is Australia’s first on-demand hardware delivery service, enabling construction firms to get building supplies delivered, regardless of the supplier, item size or distance from the site.

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