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Don’t use a construction material delivery app? Here’s why you should

Don’t use a construction material delivery app? Here’s why you should

Efficiency is king in the world of construction. The success of your projects hinges on the timely delivery of building materials to the job site - but we know it doesn’t always go to plan. Fortunately, the construction material delivery app is here and it’s helping companies across Australia succeed in moving projects along. Get the lowdown on the benefits of construction material delivery apps - and how they can help you overcome common project hurdles.

Typical material delivery challenges

Coordination hassles

Feel like you’re constantly running around like a headless chook chasing supplies? We know that feeling - coordinating building materials and deliveries on the job site can quickly become a logistical nightmare. And with supply shortages an ongoing concern, it’s easy to get caught up in lengthy back-and-forths with suppliers, leading to project delays and confusion.

Jim Carrey yelling at phone

Unpredictable schedules

Even the best-planned projects can be impacted by the unpredictable. Weather, design changes, or unexpected issues like having the wrong building supplies delivered can all impact your ability to successfully complete projects on time and within budget.

Project management complexity

Managing a construction project is like trying to balance a bunch of spinning plates in the air. You must keep an eye on progress, manage your workforce, watch those expenses like a hawk and, of course, make sure your construction materials are where they need to be, when they need to be there. This can seem near impossible without the right processes and tools in place.

Time and energy drain

Ever sent one of the boys on a supply run and they disappeared for half a day? You’re not alone. Traditional trips to suppliers can be time-consuming and physically demanding - and you’re also relying on your team to do the right thing while they’re off-site. This time and energy drain can be detrimental to the overall efficiency of your project.

Benefits of construction material delivery apps

Fortunately, construction material delivery apps offer an effective solution to these challenges and are changing the way construction professionals manage their projects.

Removes the need for manual coordination

Construction material delivery apps streamline the entire delivery process. They bridge the gap between suppliers, customers and delivery drivers, eliminating the need for time-consuming phone calls and email exchanges. Your company can place orders for tools and trade supplies from any store or retailer, track deliveries with real-time visibility and communicate with drivers seamlessly, reducing coordination hassles.

On-demand delivery to counter unpredictability

These apps often offer same-day or on-demand options for delivering building materials, allowing construction teams to adapt to changing schedules and unforeseen delays. When materials are needed urgently, you can use the app to arrange quick deliveries to the job site to ensure that work continues uninterrupted.

Man on scooter delivering packages

Saves time and effort in picking up materials

Perhaps one of the most significant advantages is the time and energy saved. With a few taps on your smartphone, a delivery driver can pick up your materials from the supplier for you and have them delivered straight to your construction site. This eliminates the need for labour-intensive trips to suppliers (and sending the apprentice), allowing construction professionals to focus on more critical jobs around the worksite.

Efficiency is a necessity

In the high-stakes world of construction, where every moment and resource counts, efficiency is not just a goal; it's a necessity. Construction material delivery apps have emerged as a game-changer by removing the need for manual coordination, providing on-demand delivery options, enhancing project management capabilities and saving precious time and energy. With the right app, you can enhance how you procure, process and manage materials, ultimately reducing costs and leading to smoother and more successful building projects.

iDlvr is Australia’s first on-demand hardware delivery service, enabling construction firms to get building supplies delivered, regardless of the supplier, item size or distance from the site.

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